Friday, 24 June 2022

Chemotherapy, Types, Contraindications, and side effects


Chemotherapy, Types, Contraindications, and side effects



Chemotherapy is the treatment of any infectious, parasitic disease, or malignant tumor (cancer) with the help of a poison or toxin that has a detrimental effect on the infectious agent - the causative agent of the disease, on parasites, or on malignant tumor cells with a less negative impact on the patient's body. The poison or toxin is then called a chemotherapy drug, or a chemotherapeutic agent. Chemotherapy doctor - chemotherapist.

Chemotherapy can be considered a type of pharmacotherapy aimed only at the causative agent (or another etiological factor) of the disease. The goal of conventional pharmacotherapy is to correct the body's vital functions and restore or improve the functions of organs and systems affected by the disease. The goal of chemotherapy is to destroy or at least inhibit the reproduction of parasites, infectious agents, or malignant cells, with the least possible damaging effect on the patient's body. Normalization of vital activity and improvement of the functions of the affected organs and systems are achieved a second time, as a result of the destruction or weakening of the cause that caused the disease - infection, tumor, or parasitic invasion.


  • In accordance with the destruction of what chemotherapy is aimed at, there are:
  • Antibacterial chemotherapy or antibiotic therapy;
  • Antifungal chemotherapy;
  • Anticancer (cytostatic or cytotoxic) chemotherapy using anticancer drugs;
  • Antiviral chemotherapy;
  • Antiphrastic chemotherapy, in particular anthelmintic, antimalarial, etc.
  • Destruction of cancer cells
  • Reducing the size of the tumor before radiation therapy or before surgery
  • Preventing the risk of developing metastases
  • Reducing the likelihood of recurrence of diseases


It is prescribed before the intervention in order to reduce the size of neoplasms. This treatment reduces the risk of metastases.


It is carried out after surgery and prevents further development of the tumor, and also eliminates its hidden foci. This therapy is relevant for all types of cancer and serves as a preventive measure.


It is prescribed for inoperable forms of cancer and has proven effective for the increased susceptibility of tumor cells to anticancer drugs.

Hyper thermic

Such chemotherapy is called "hot". It involves exposure of cancer cells to agents with high temperatures. The technique is especially relevant for large tumors (including those in the peritoneum and bone tissues).


As part of the treatment, drugs with platinum are used. The technique is used when other means of therapy are ineffective.


It is carried out using special formulations that act at the molecular level. Chemotherapy allows not only to stop the growth of cells and destroy them but to start the processes of self-destruction in them.


It is performed using the least aggressive drugs, which differ in a relatively small number of side effects. Treatment is relevant for small tumors without metastases.

High dose

Such chemotherapy is characterized by high doses of the drugs used. It is prescribed mainly for the elimination of lymphomas. The disadvantages of the technique include high toxicity to the patient's body, a large number of negative consequences, and side effects.


It is carried out at the terminal stage of the disease when the maintenance of the body's vital functions is ensured, further tumor growth decreases and pain is relieved.

What do Chemotherapy for?

As the main method, chemotherapy is prescribed for systemic malignant tumors that affect the entire body (malignant lymphoma, leukemia, etc.). In other cases, such treatment becomes part of the complex. It is carried out along with surgery and radiation. Procedures can be performed both after the intervention and before it. Special drugs are prescribed according to different schemes. This allows you to increase their effectiveness and reduce the side effects of individual drugs.

Today, a large number of different agents are used to perform chemotherapy. They are available in the form of tablets and solutions for injection. The effectiveness of treatment largely depends on the form of drugs. The best results can be achieved with their intravenous administration. Such funds are quickly spread throughout the body with the bloodstream, but at the same time reduce harm to the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Tablets can be used even at home. Today, local means have also been developed. They are available in the form of ointments and applications. They are used in the treatment of cancer of the oral cavity, skin, etc.

Method of Using Drugs:


Important! Intravenous drugs can be administered through injections and droppers.

Also, according to the method of application, the funds can be divided into independent and used in combination with other methods of treatment: surgical interventions and radiation therapy.

Important! Since many of the prescribed formulations are toxic and have a large number of side effects, the patient may need to stay in a hospital under the supervision of medical personnel during therapy. If the patient's health is satisfactory, outpatient procedures for the administration of drugs are acceptable.


Try (if possible) to eliminate concomitant pathologies. Otherwise, the patient's condition may worsen significantly.

Cleanse the body of toxic substances. This will increase the effectiveness of taking special drugs.

Provide protection for the digestive tract, liver, and kidneys. For this, a course of special treatment is carried out.

If necessary, complex psychological support is also provided. It allows you to tune in to therapy, which is often not only quite complex but also lengthy. Work with the patient is carried out by psychologists and psychotherapists. The support of loved ones is also important.

How is the treatment carried out?

Treatment is always carried out according to an individually selected scheme. It depends on a number of factors, including:

  • General current condition of the patient
  • Presence of comorbidities
  • Stage of oncological pathology
  • Tumor size
  • The presence of metastases, etc.

The complex of drugs is selected taking into account the achievement of the maximum effect from each dose. At the same time, oncologists offer patients remedies with the minimum possible number of adverse reactions. This allows you to maintain health and ensure the normal functioning of the body.

The duration of treatment is always determined individually and largely depends on the type of tumor detected and its sensitivity to certain drugs. It is carried out in cycles that last for 14 days.

  • Once every 6-8 days
  • Daily
  • Once for the entire period

The duration of one procedure is usually 2-3 hours. The interval between sessions is determined by the selected chemotherapy regimen. The total number of cycles also varies and is usually 4-8. The total duration of treatment is from one month to a year. In some cases, repeated therapy is required to prevent relapses.


  • High levels of bilirubin in the blood
  • Organic intoxication
  • The presence of metastases in the liver and brain
  • Extreme exhaustion of the body
  • Each course begins only after the necessary diagnostics have been carried out and is prescribed exclusively by an oncologist. Only an experienced doctor can decide whether therapy is possible under certain conditions.
  • After a course of treatment, there is often a pronounced deterioration in the functioning of the whole organism. This is due to a decrease in quantitative and qualitative indicators of blood and a change in its composition. Infectious diseases are also exacerbated, and general immunity is deteriorating.
  • Patients complain of fatigue, drowsiness and weakness, and depressive mood. Some people have swelling of the face, arms, and legs, numbness of the limbs, and increased bleeding of the mucous membranes. Allergic reactions often occur, which can manifest as a small rash or a dangerous Quince’s edema. Antitumor treatment can provoke pain throughout the body, a burning sensation, fever, deterioration in the quality of nails, etc.
  • Lack of appetite
  • Noise in ears
  • Hearing and vision impairment
  • Hair loss
  • Stool disorders
  • Osteoporosis
  • Vomit, etc.

Benefits of Chemotherapy:

  • Using the most modern methods and technologies. Experienced oncologists competently select drugs and schemes for their administration
  • Opportunities for comprehensive support. MEDSI uses endocrine and osteomodifying therapy, immunotherapy, etc.
  • International protocols. We favor highly effective regimens using targeted drugs
  • Application of specialized options for patient care. Intra-abdominal chemotherapy is available at MEDSI, other methods are used
  • Availability of sociopsychological service. It provides support both directly to patients and their families.
  • Care of severe patients. This service is provided in hospitals during and after treatment.


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