Radiation Therapy, Types, Indications, and Side Effects
Emission Method:
The goal of radiation therapy is to destroy the cells that
make up the pathological focus, such as a tumor. The primary cause of
"death" of cells, which does not mean direct decay (see necrosis, apoptosis),
but inactivation (cessation of division), is considered a violation of their
DNA. Both directly and indirectly, through the radiolysis of water, the primary
component of DNA, which causes the ionization of DNA atoms to break molecular
bonds, DNA damage can occur. Of the cell cytoplasm. Ionizing radiation
interacts with water molecules, forming peroxide and free radicals that affect
DNA. This has the important implication—and the experiment supports it—that the
more actively a cell divides, the more radiation damage it experiences. Bone
marrow cells typically have similar activity to cancer cells, which are
actively dividing and expanding quickly. As a result, if cancer cells are more
active than the tissues around them, radiation's harmful effects will harm them
more severely. This determines the effectiveness of radiation therapy with the
same exposure of tumor cells and large volumes of healthy tissue, for example,
with prophylactic irradiation of regional lymph nodes. However, due to the
"focusing" of the ionizing radiation dose (by overlapping multiple
beams on the same area), advanced medical devices for radiation therapy can
substantially increase the therapeutic ratio. Pathological focus) and,
accordingly, a more gentle effect on healthy tissues. To protect healthy
tissues that are especially sensitive to radiation (for example, bone marrow),
"compensators" are used - opaque screens that cover these tissues
from the rays.
According to the type of particles, ionizing radiation can
be divided into two groups - corpuscular:
- α-particles,
- β particles,
- Neutron (the isotope 252 Cf or cyclotrons is used as a source),
- Proton,
- Carbon ions
- And wave:
- X-ray radiation,
- γ radiation.
The most common reason for prescribing radiation therapy is
the presence of neoplasms of various etiologies. Although there is also an
"exotic" application in cosmetology - irradiation after plastic
surgery of keloid scars and epilation using soft x-rays. Radiation therapy has
also been successfully used to treat plantar fasciitis (“heel spur”). Depending
on the localization of the pathological focus, the types of exposure and the
dose of radiation differ.
One of the three main modalities for treating malignant
disease is radiation therapy (the other two major modalities are chemotherapy
and surgery). Specific disease indications influence the choice to use
radiation therapy. Ionizing radiation, for instance, usually destroys cancerous
cells. However, some tumors may experience more harm before being removed.
Additionally, the total dose that can be safely delivered will be limited by
some normal tissues' tolerance to ionizing radiation. Thus, the effectiveness
of radiation therapy depends on the type of tumor and where it is located.
Tumors that cannot be surgically removed are most frequently treated with
radiation therapy (e.g., brain tumors). When there is a high chance that the tumor
will return after surgery, it might be added to the patient's treatment plan.
To treat or prevent the emergence of metastatic disease, chemotherapy is
frequently combined with radiation therapy (the spread of cancer to other parts
of the body).
There are three methods of exposure: contact (the radiation
source contacts human tissues), remote (the source is at some distance from the
patient), and radionuclide therapy (the radiopharmaceutical is injected into
the patient's blood). Contact radiation therapy is sometimes referred to as brachytherapy.
Contact radiation therapy:
Contact exposure is produced by direct application of the
radiation source to the tumor tissue, and is performed intraoperative or with
superficially located neoplasms. In this regard, this method, although less
harmful to surrounding tissues, is used much less frequently. With the
interstitial (interstitial) method, sealed sources in the form of wires,
needles, capsules, and assemblies of balls are introduced into the tissues
containing the tumor focus. Such sources are both temporary and permanent
External beam radiation therapy:
With remote exposure, healthy tissues can lie between the
focus of exposure and the radiation source. The more of them, the more
difficult it is to deliver the required dose of radiation to the focus, and the
more side effects of therapy. But, despite the presence of serious side
effects, this method is the most common. This is due to the fact that it is the
most versatile and affordable to use.
A promising method is proton therapy. The method allows
precise targeting of the tumor and destruction of it at any depth of
localization. Surrounding tissues receive minimal damage since almost the
entire radiation dose is released into the tumor in the last millimeters of the
particle path. One barrier to the large-scale use of protons in cancer
treatment is the size and cost of the cyclotron or synchrocyclotron equipment
Radionuclide treatment:
In this technique, the radionuclide accumulates specifically
in tissues that contain a tumor focus (either as an independent agent or as a
component of a radiopharmaceutical). Open sources are utilized in this
situation, and the solutions are directly injected into the body through the
mouth, into a cavity, tumor, or vessel. Iodine in the thyroid gland, phosphorus
in the bone marrow, strontium in the bones, etc. is a few examples of how some
radionuclides can concentrate primarily in certain tissues.
Side Effects:
As a result of irradiation, not only the tumor itself
suffers but also the surrounding tissues. The tumor itself dies under the
action of ionizing radiation, and the decay products enter the bloodstream.
Based on this, two groups of side effects can.
Radiation therapy's potential for long-term side effects
depends on the tissues that are exposed to radiation beams, the patient's age,
and the radiation dose. Permanent long-term effects are typical. When the
growth plate is near the radiation therapy field, a young child's bone growth
is impacted. When the thyroid gland or thyroid gland is exposed to high doses
of radiation, hormone deficiencies can happen at any age. Learning
difficulties, which can be serious if the child is very young at the time of
treatment, can result from neurological function and cognitive impairment in
children receiving radiation therapy for brain tumors.
One of the most devastating effects of radiation therapy is
the development of secondary malignancies. Thyroid cancer, breast cancer, lung
cancer, gastric and colorectal cancers, as well as soft tissue and bone
sarcomas, are a few examples of such malignancies. A malignancy must have different
histology than the patient's initial tumors occur within the radiotherapy field
of treatment, and occur after a latency period deemed sufficient for induction
of radiation-induced cancer in order to be considered radiotherapy-induced
(generally five or more years).
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